The BBC Breakfast Programme ran a report on the emergence of Mindfulness in UK schools as a means of reducing curriculum and exam stress amongst teenagers. For more information please contact The Mindfulness in Schools Project, the UK’s leading organisation in this field. The piece was aired on Wednesday 27 March, 2013
The article is written by Rachel Naomi Remen, one of the earliest pioneers in the mind/body holistic health movement and the first to recognize the role of the spirit in health and the recovery from illness. She is Co-Founder and Medical Director of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program featured in the Bill Moyers PBS series, …
Mindfulness for Life Interviews Jon Kabat-Zinn on how we can access and move towards the felt sense of our experience by attending to what is present in this moment, whether pleasant or unpleasant, good bad or ugly. This video segment also gives some background to the choice of title of his first book, Full Catastrophe …
Jon Kabat-Zinn conveying the benefits of the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course and talking about “The Cultivation of Affectionate Attention”
In honour of John Kabat-Zinn’s forthcoming trip to the UK, I thought I’d post a series of mini-interviews that he recorded back in January 2013. If you want to see him in the flesh there are still tickets available to see him in London on the following dates. 27th March – International Mindfulness in Schools …