I once met Roshi Philip Kapleau, the author of The Three Pillars of Zen. He was one of the first Westerners to go to Japan and do intense practice there. He was suffering from very advanced Parkinson’s disease and had terrible physical discomfort, along with the involuntary spasms that come from the disease. One thing …
Here’s something for your Friday afternoon to take you into your weekend with a gentle smile. It’s a charming unbridled tale about a ‘typical, institutionalized educated Western man’ that touches something quite deep within all of us. Well worth a look, enjoy. A film by Josh Izenberg. Video from KarmaTube This film was first shown …
Mindfulness is in the news. Ruby Wax and Julie Myerson have sworn to its efficacy in helping them with depression and anxiety. But mindfulness programmes aren’t just being used within mental health. Similar interventions are taking place in education, criminal justice and the workplace. This year over 70 MPs and Peers attended mindfulness classes and …
Sharon Salzberg (born 1952) is a New York Times Best selling author and influential teacher of Buddhist meditation practices in the West.In 1974, she co-founded the Insight Meditation Society at Barre, Massachusetts with Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein. Her emphasis is on vipassanā (insight) and mettā (loving-kindness) methods, and has been leading meditation retreats around …