Here’s something for your Friday afternoon to take you into your weekend with a gentle smile. It’s a charming unbridled tale about a ‘typical, institutionalized educated Western man’ that touches something quite deep within all of us. Well worth a look, enjoy. A film by Josh Izenberg. Video from KarmaTube This film was first shown …
If you are feeling a touch depleted, down in the dumps or stressed at the moment, try taking a few leaves out of this book…..ooops sorry video!. It’s only two and half minutes long, but it is packed with charm and a fair bit of wisdom to boot. Some nourishment for the heart on a …
Given all the hot weather we are having recently may I suggest some of this rather wonderful philosophy courtesy of Dharma Comics……hey, it made me smile! “F*** it! I’m getting in touch with my inner cat: embodied, present, impulsive, playful, emotionally straightforward. Forgive me if I’m slow to respond to email, unlikely to schedule meetings, …