This gentle, touching and understated piece of writing about the noticing of habitual behaviours, pausing and showing ourselves some love, turned up on my website some days ago. I thought it so good I asked the author if I could post it here. Thankfully she agreed. I hope you enjoy it as much as I …
A delightful and poignant gem from recently graduated UK animation student Tom Long. With over 1 million views on Youtube, other people clearly thought so as well. Take the three minutes to be thoroughly charmed; his examiners clearly were, as the film earnt him a first class honours degree from Southampton Solent University. An old …
John O’Donohue (1 January 1956 – 4 January 2008) was an Irish poet, author, priest, and Hegelian philosopher. He was a native Irish speaker, and as an author is best known for popularizing Celtic spirituality. O’Donohue’s first published work, Anam Cara (1997), which means “soul friend” in Gaelic, was an international bestseller and catapulted him …
If you are feeling a touch depleted, down in the dumps or stressed at the moment, try taking a few leaves out of this book…..ooops sorry video!. It’s only two and half minutes long, but it is packed with charm and a fair bit of wisdom to boot. Some nourishment for the heart on a …
The ability to acknowledge and honour our experience without judgement and return our attention to the breath is a key component of mindfulness practice and in many respects a rather exquisite form of letting go. Whenever we return our attention to the breath, we ‘let go’ of something (thought, feeling, sensation) that has taken us …
A poignant article exploring the differences between sadness and depression
Given all the hot weather we are having recently may I suggest some of this rather wonderful philosophy courtesy of Dharma Comics……hey, it made me smile! “F*** it! I’m getting in touch with my inner cat: embodied, present, impulsive, playful, emotionally straightforward. Forgive me if I’m slow to respond to email, unlikely to schedule meetings, …