Informative article from the Stanford Medicine Blog (SCOPE) covering the the latest developments and research into the the use of mindfulness as a means of ameliorating and treating mood disorders, particularly recurrent depression. An oasis of peace in “the 500 channel universe”: Research on mindfulness and depression has links to the latest thinking in this …
An informative article from the Harvard Business Review about the latest devlopments and research into the associative link between meditation and changes in brain structure (neuroplasticity). Mindfulness can Literally Change Your Brain is co-authored by Britta K. Hölzel & Sara W. Lazar, who are well known for their own work in this field from 2011.‘This …
On newstands this week, the cover story of the February issue of Time Magazine investigates the Mindful Revolution, a detailed look at the exponential growth of Mindfulness Based Approaches in the United States. The article, written by journalist Kate Pickert, is top and tailed by her own personal experiences of the MBSR programme and pays …
Please take the time to support some of the research work taking place at the Mood Disorders Centre, Psychology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Exeter. The Mood Disorders Centre is a partnership between the NHS and the University of Exeter. The centre’s mission is to conduct psychological research and also …
An article setting out the rationale for MBCT and outlining the treatment approach has been published in this month’s British Journal of Psychiatry. Moreover, it also gives a brief overview of the efficacy of research to date in the UK and a glance towards future challenges in terms of delivery to a wider audience, specifically …
The Haven’s Clinical and Research Director, Dr Caroline Hoffman, recently conducted a study on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). The findings of the extensive research have now been published online by the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The research shows, for the first time, a statistically significant improvement in physical and emotional wellbeing. The results indicate that the …