Hello everybody. Before I get to this week’s mindfulness practice, I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for signing up and commenting on last week’s practice Use Your Non-Dominant Hand.
You may be interested to know that we now have 30 members who have signed up to receive weekly practices via email, all in the space of a week! I think that’s pretty wonderful and I gently ask you all to continue to spread the word and get other interested parties involved, friends, family,loved ones etc.
So, here we go….the practice for week 2!
Choose one room of your house/flat and for one week try leaving no trace that you have used that space. The bathroom, sitting room or kitchen works best for most people, but go with what you fancy. If you’ve been doing something in that room, cooking a meal, eating a meal or taking a shower, clean up in such a way that you leave no signs that you have been there, except perhaps the odour of food or fragrance of soap.
Put a sign in the room you have chosen saying “Leave No Trace” – In Zen paintings according to the book, turtles symbolise the practice of leaving no traces, because they sweep the sand with their tails as they creep along, wiping out their footprints. Instead of a written sign therefore, you could use a picture of a turtle by way of a reminder!
Good luck!
Please Share the Practice
Image courtesy of AprilandAndy